Consider this definition:
h : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
h x y = case 1 `isLTE` x of
(Yes prf) => case 1 `isLTE` y of
(Yes prf') => (x - 1) * 2 + (y - 1)
(No contra) => ?sr_3
(No contra) => ?h_2
As innocent as it looks, it would not type check.
14 | (Yes prf') => (x - 1) * 2 + (y - 1)
| ^
When checking an application of function Prelude.Interfaces.-:
Type mismatch between
Nat (Type of y)
LTE 1 x (Expected type)
For some reason, it cannot locate the right prf
. (Or is there something else going on?) For some reason again, this error, while appearing in the second summand, can be fixed by annotating the minus in the first. This compiles:
h : Nat -> Nat -> Nat
h x y = case 1 `isLTE` x of
(Yes prf) => case 1 `isLTE` y of
(Yes prf') => ((-) {smaller = prf} x 1) * 2 + (y - 1)
(No contra) => ?sr_3
, without converting them to prefix form (-)
?What is happening?
This seems to be a bug in the unification, I guess. It should be able to infer everything correctly, but for the system it's apparently not clear which type you want to use. +
, *
are both Num a => a -> a -> a
, and -
even has two definitions; one with Nat
and the proof, the other also in the Num
format. So whenever there seems to be strange type mismatches, just clarify the types. (x - 1) * 2 `plus` (y - 1)
also works out.
How can I express this logic better?
You can join up both case
g x y = case (1 `isLTE` x, 1 `isLTE` y) of
(Yes lte1x, Yes lte1y) => (x - 1) * 2 `plus` (y - 1)
_ => ?h
Even better, if you only need to subtract one, just do it via pattern matching:
i (S x) (S y) = x * 2 + y
i x y = ?h
Also, Nat
is not always good for computation; it is better fitted for structural info for the type system (like in Vect Nat a
). If you plan to do something like x - 321 * y + 100
and do not need the result in a type, just drop to Integer
for performance reasons.
Can I supply implicit arguments to infix operators, such as -, without converting them to prefix form (-)?