I've spend hours on searching how to generate the OAS spec yaml file using swagger codegen in Java and I give up. I'd like to provide all API spec data within the Java source as a code annotations. It would be great to expose it via maven.
AFAIK I should use swagger-codegen-maven-plugin, but I wasn't able to make it scan the source code to generate OAS yaml or JSON file.
I would appreciate a snippet of pom.xml with valid codegen plugin config.
Perhaps I should get back to the previous Swagger as this use case was handled straight forward in 2.x. Now i get frustrated of 3.x approach.
Swagger Codegen generates code from an OpenAPI file. To do the opposite – generate an OpenAPI file from Java code annotations – you need Swagger Core e.g. its Maven plugin, swagger-maven-plugin
Add following dependencies to your pom.xml
Then utilise it in your build; example config: