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Smart Pointers In C++

Say we have a base class and a derived. So:

class base {
     // ...

class derived : public base {
     // ...

And now say that we have this code using the above classes with a smart pointer class:

SmartPointer<base> bptr(new derived());
delete bptr;

I understand that it would prevent slicing of the derived object by calling the destructor of derived, but how does it know to do that? Wouldn't the reference stored in the smart pointer be that of type base*? Does it traverse some kind of hierarchy tree, cast that pointer to derived* and then call delete? Or is there some other thing that I don't know about?

The implementation is supposedly threadsafe, non-intrusive, and reference counting.

YES, the classes that you see are akin to the ones that I'm testing against. There is apparently a way to do this with THESE GIVEN classes. The main idea as to how is mentioned in my question above, but I'm not sure as to how one such an implementation would work.


  • First thing is that as it stands the code will not work. The destructor of base must be at the very least protected (or derived classes be friends of the base). A private destructor means that the compiler will not allow you to write the destructor for the derived classes. Now, assuming that you have a protected destructor... (Rembember, if you design a class to be extended, provide either a public virtual destructor or a protected non-virtual!)

    All depends on the implementation of the SmartPointer, in particular std::shared_ptr (or the boost counterpart boost::shared_ptr) are able to manage that situation cleanly. The solution performs some sort of partial type erasure of the type for destruction purposes. Basically, the smart pointer has a templated constructor that accepts any pointer that can be assigned to a base pointer, but because it is templated it knows the concrete type. At that point it stores a synthetic deleter function that will call the appropriate destructor.

    For simplicity, using std::function:

    template <typename T>
    void delete_deleter( void * p ) {
       delete static_cast<T*>(p);
    template <typename T>
    class shared_pointer {
        T * ptr;
        std::function<void(void*)> deleter;
        template <typename U>
        shared_pointer( U* p, std::function<void()> d = delete_deleter<U> ) 
           : ptr(p), deleter(d)
        ~shared_pointer() {
           deleter( ptr );  // call the stored destructor

    The code is for exhibition only, it would have to be tweaked for production (where to store the function, reference counting...), but it is enough to give you the idea: in the only function where the exact type of the object is known (when creating the smart pointer), you create a wrapper that will call the exact version of the destructor that you need (providing some short of type erasure), then just leave it around and when you need to delete the object call it instead of the delete operator.

    This can also be used to manage other resources that require calling a special method instead of delete:

    // exhibition only!
    shared_pointer<Foo> p( Factory.create(), &Factory::release );

    Again there should be quite a lot of work before making this production ready.

    Dependency on std::function which is used to simplify the erasure, can be eliminated from the problem. In the simple case (only memory allocated with new and freed with delete is supported in the smart pointer), then just provide a deleter base class with a single virtual operator()(void*), and then refactor the existing delete_deleter into templated derived classes from deleter that override operator()(void*) with the current implementation. If you need to go for the general case (hold any type of resource) it is not worth the effort, just use std::function or boost::function.