EDIT: This is supposed to be a gift for my mother, if I have to I'll drag and drop it and stitch a bunch of screen-prints together... however the resource has to live on the website somewhere. I do believe that at least someone on this site knows how to do this.
EDIT: So I dug around on this some more and found that if you put /meta after network you get a JSON. Also /chunk was in the page source, but after loading /chunk neither /chunk or /meta are loading for me anymore. I just want the entire graph in one picture, is that too much to ask?
Adding /network to the end of a repo URL in GitHub gets me an image something like this
You can click and drag it side to side, but for the life of me I have not been able to get more than a small segment to show at one time.
Is there any tool to generate the entire network graph in one image file?
I don't want a chunk of the graph, I want to view the entire graph. I saw http://gitup.co/ mentioned in another question, but it appears to be OS X only. A Linux or a Microsoft solution would work for me.
I just had this problem (again), and finally was able to find a decent solution.
Here is the gist with the code below: https://gist.github.com/DinisCruz/6866dede5cdff60d97790a14490f7844
function hide(selector) { $(selector).setAttribute('style','display:none')}
function remove(selector) { $(selector).remove()}
function remove_class(selector) { $(selector).setAttribute('class','')}
function move_left(count)
var eventObj = document.createEvent("Events");
eventObj.initEvent("keydown", true, true);
eventObj.which = 37; // left key
for (i=0; i < count ; i++) {
function resize_canvas(width)
document.getElementById("network").style="width:" + width; window.dispatchEvent(new Event("resize"))
// Note: they updated this class name from .p4-4 to .pb-4
Related twitter thread (shows some examples): https://twitter.com/DinisCruz/status/1171411025570275329