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SCD Type 2 and Insert Error with Identity Column

I am having trouble inserting records in my data warehouse tables. I have a surrogate key that is created auto increments by 1 for each record. I get the error message:

An explicit value for the identity column in table 'TARGET' can only be specified when a column list is used and IDENTITY_INSERT is ON

Code snippet below:

INSERT INTO [DW_Table] (Valid_Start_Date, Valid_End_Date, Current_Flag, Col1, Col2, Col3) 
   Getdate() AS Valid_Start_Date, NULL AS Valid_End_Date, 1 as Current_Flag, Col1, Col2,Col3
  FROM (
    USING ([Base_Table]) AS SOURCE
    ON ( SOURCEC.Account_Key = TARGET.Account_Key
         AND TARGET.Current_Flag = 1)
    WHEN MATCHED .................................

I have tried listing out the fields, as I know the issue lies with trying to insert records to the the auto incrementing field. I have done this as part of the "USING" base table line, but I still get errors.

Can someone please give me some pointers please?



  • Try something like this:

    use tempdb
    drop table if exists dw_table
    drop table if exists dw_table_stg 
    create table DW_Table
      Id int identity, 
      Valid_Start_Date date, 
      Valid_End_Date date, 
      Current_Flag bit, 
      Account_Key int , 
      constraint uk_account_current unique (Account_Key, Current_Flag),
      Col1 int, 
      Col2 int, 
      Col3 int
    insert into DW_Table (Account_Key,Col1, Col2, Col3, Current_Flag) 
           values (1,2,3,4,1),(2,2,3,4,1),(3,2,3,4,1)
    declare @DW_Table_stg table( Account_Key int primary key, Col1 int, Col2 int, Col3 int)
    insert into @DW_Table_stg (Account_Key,Col1, Col2, Col3) values (1,2,5,12)
    insert into [DW_Table] 
         ( Account_Key, Valid_Start_Date, Valid_End_Date, Current_Flag, Col1, Col2, Col3) 
    select Account_Key, Getdate(),        NULL,           1,            Col1, Col2, Col3
        merge into [DW_Table] AS t
        using @DW_Table_stg AS s
        ON ( s.Account_Key = t.Account_Key )
        when matched and t.Current_Flag = 1 and checksum(s.Col1,s.Col2,s.Col3) <> checksum(t.Col1,t.Col2,t.Col3)
             then update set t.Current_flag = 0, t.Valid_End_Date = getdate()
        when not matched 
             then insert  (Valid_Start_Date, Valid_End_Date, Current_Flag,Account_Key,    Col1,   Col2,   Col3) 
             values       (getdate(),        null,           1,           s.Account_Key,s.Col1, s.Col2, s.Col3)
        output $action [ActionType], s.*
    ) d
    where [ActionType] = 'UPDATE'
    select *
    from DW_Table
    order by current_flag desc, Account_key