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Loading sub sections with a titles

I’m doing a few left_joins trying to preload some nested associations. I have sections, that have sub_sections, and I want to get all sub_sections that have a title (as opposed to sub_sections with no title). When I add this line, the whole query returns nil, but when I remove it, I get everything (including the sub_sections with no titles). where: not is_nil(sub2.title).

I'm having a hard time finding what I'm doing wrong here? I feel like I should be getting the results with this.

Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks!

from a in Article,
  left_join: s in assoc(a, :sections),
  left_join: d in assoc(s, :definitions),
  left_join: sub in assoc(d, :sub_sections),
  left_join: sub2 in assoc(sub, :sub_sections),
  where: == ^id,
  where: not is_nil(sub2.title),
  preload: [sections: {s, [definitions: {d, [sub_sections: {sub, sub_sections: sub2}]}]}]```


  • You should apply the condition not is_nil(sub2.title) onto the respective join, not onto the whole query. Somewhat like the below should work.

    subs = from sub in SubSection, where: not is_nil(sub.title)
    from a in Article,
      left_join: s in assoc(a, :sections),
      left_join: d in assoc(s, :definitions),
      left_join: sub in assoc(d, :sub_sections),
      left_join: sub2 in ^subs, on: sub2.parent ==,
      where: == ^id,
      preload: [sections: {
        s, [definitions:
         {d, [sub_sections: {sub, sub_sections: sub2}]}]}]