Search code examples


I am trying to convert XML to CSV with the code below but it will only work if there is only one row. Multiple entries will only display the headers/column names.

This is what my XML looks like:



My code:



  $cname[] = 'Brand';
  $cname[] = 'Model';
  $cname[] = 'Year';
  $cname[] = 'Age';
  $cname[] = 'Desciption';

  if (file_exists($filexml)) {
      $xml = simplexml_load_file($filexml); 
      $f = fopen('cars.csv', 'w') or die('Can\'t create .csv file, try again later.');
      fputcsv($f, $cname);

      foreach ($xml->Car as $Car) {
        fputcsv($f, get_object_vars($Car),',','"');




  • Assuming that your XML is actually valid (has a single root element) then a simplified view of the structure is this:


    Note that there are multiple Cars nodes at the same level, but only one Car in each one.

    When you load the XML, your initial PHP variable will represent the <document> element.

    So you could access the first two brands by hand like this (the (string) gets the text content from the XML element):

    • (string)$xml->Cars[0]->Car->Brand
    • (string)$xml->Cars[1]->Car->Brand

    To get all the brands, you need to loop over $xml->Cars:

    foreach ( $xml->Cars as $CarsNode ) {
       $CarNode = $CarsNode->Car;
       $brand = (string)$CarNode->Brand;

    From there, you can use your existing code to write a row to your CSV file.