I control AWS environment using AWS-SDK PHP. When I delete all test environment, the problem has been occurred.
I read the document and I already know DependencyViolation
is occurred if I have running instances in target subnet.
So I terminated running instance first, and after that, I tried to delete subnet, but DependencyViolation
error is occurred.
I tried these sequences using this code.
$options = [
* information about region, version ..
$client = new Ec2Client($options);
$promise = $client->terminateInstancesAsync([
'InstanceIds' => ['instance-id'],
])->then(function ($result) use ($client) {
return $client->deleteSubnetAsync([
'SubnetId' => 'subnet-id',
I guess the reason of error is "instance is not terminated perfactly but delete subnet action is run".
But I have no idea what I have to do for delete subnet without DependencyViolation
I could use deleteSubnet
method after using terminateInstnaces
method without any errors using Waiters
I used these code.
$promise = $client->terminateInstancesAsync([
'InstanceIds' => ['instance-id'],
])->then(function ($result) use ($client) {
$client->waitUntil('InstanceTerminated', [
'InstanceIds' => ['instance-id'],
return $client->deleteSubnetAsync([
'SubnetId' => 'subnet-id',