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Problem with upload a azurerm_storage_blob because the azurerm_storage_container exists

i want to upload a generated file as new blobobject to azure. My problem is, that if the azurerm_storage_container doesn't exists i have to create it as a resource. But if this container is already present in the storage account i get the error

'The specified container already exists'.

So i thought i could define my azurerm_storage_container as Data object. But then i get a error that Provider doesn't support data source: azurerm_storage_container

To clarify: i want to create a new storage-container if there is not present in azure. after that i want to upload my generated local file into a new blobobject with is included into the storage-container.

I tried to set all objects as resource and data. i don't find the right combination of this objects to achieve my goal


  • As I know, you just can use the Terraform external data source to execute a script to get the info if the container has existed, then create the container or not according to the state.

    Here is the example code with a bash script using the Azure CLI command:

    eval "$(jq -r '@sh "export container_name=\(.container_name) account_name=\(.account_name)"')"
    flag=$(az storage container exists --name $container_name --account-name $account_name --query exists)
    if [ $flag ]
        echo "{\"exists\":\"True\"}"
        echo "{\"exists\":\"False\"}"


    variable "container_name" {}
    data "azurerm_storage_account" "test" {
        name = "charlescloudshell"
        resource_group_name = "v-chaxu-ChinaCXPTeam"
    data "external" "exists" {
        program = ["/bin/bash", "./"]
        query = {
            container_name = "${var.container_name}"
            account_name = "${}"
    resource "azurerm_storage_container" "test" {
        count = "${data.external.exists.result["exists"] == "False" ? 1 : 0}"
        name  = "${var.container_name}"
        storage_account_name = "${}"
        container_access_type = "private"