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Colfusion Query results based on query results from a related table

I am querying a table for all the available records. The results have a primary key called ticket_id

 <cfquery name="get_all_active_tickets">
  FROM service_ticket
  where technician_id != <CFQUERYPARAM Value="#techID#"> AND technician_name != "" 

The query returns 42 unique records, each record has a unique value for the column ticket_id.

I then want to query another another table for all records that also contain the primary key ticket_id and SUM a column in those results called service_qty for those related records. My goal is to add up all the values of service_qty for records that contains the same ticket_id value, and compare those values.

I am trying to do it like this:

<cfset IDs = valueList(get_all_active_tickets.ticket_id) >
<cfquery name="high_hours_tickets">
    select SUM(service_qty) as total, ticket_id
    from service_ticket_detail
    where ticket_id in (<cfqueryparam cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer" value="#IDs#" list="true">)

However the results are not as expected. The record count for the query "high_hours_tickets" is only 1 and it looks like it is totaling the column 'service_qty' for all the records that are returned, not just the records that have the same ticket_id value.

How can I fix this? Thank you.

A solution that works, thanks to Ageax's contributions below:

<cfset IDs = valueList(get_all_active_tickets.ticket_id) >
<cfquery name="high_hours_tickets" datasource="#datasource#">        
    SELECT t.ticket_id, SUM( d.service_qty) AS totalQty
    FROM   service_ticket t 
    INNER JOIN service_ticket_detail d ON d.ticket_id = t.ticket_id
    WHERE   t.technician_id <> <cfqueryparam value="#techID#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"> 
    AND     t.technician_name <> "" 
    GROUP BY t.ticket_id
    HAVING  SUM( d.service_qty) > 2

<cfoutput><cfset lstIDs = ValueList(high_hours_tickets.ticket_id) /></cfoutput>

<cfquery name="flagged_tickets" datasource="#datasource#">
    select * 
    from service_ticket
    where ticket_id IN ( 


  • Update:

    Since there was some confusion about the table structure and desired results, I put together a SQL Fiddle based on your description. It's a great tool for sharing schemas and sample data, and is helpful in avoiding a lot of back forth with query issues :-) I don't know which version of MySQL you're using, so I'll assume an older version for best compatibility.

    If I'm understanding correctly, the goal is to display all service_ticket records, having an overall service_qty > 2. To do that, use a subquery to SUM the service_qty values, by ticket_id, and drop any that are <= 2. Then join those results back to the main ticket table to get the details (name, address, etc...).

    SQL Fiddle


    SELECT t.ticket_id
           , t.address
           -- ... additional columns
           , total.qty
    FROM   service_ticket t INNER JOIN 
                 SELECT   ticket_id
                         , SUM( service_qty) AS Qty
                 FROM   service_ticket_detail 
                 GROUP BY ticket_id
                 HAVING  Qty > 2
              total ON total.ticket_id = t.ticket_id
    WHERE   t.technician_id <> <cfqueryparam value="#techID#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"> 
    AND     t.technician_name <> '' 


    Forget about the separate queries. This is a job for a JOIN. They're designed for just this purpose.

    SELECT t.ticket_id, SUM( d.service_qty) AS totalQty
    FROM   service_ticket t 
            INNER JOIN service_ticket_detail d ON d.ticket_id = t.ticket_id
    WHERE   t.technician_id <> <cfqueryparam value="#techID#" cfsqltype="cf_sql_integer"> 
    AND     t.technician_name <> ''
    GROUP BY t.ticket_id
    HAVING  SUM( d.service_qty) > 2

    IMO, JOIN's are indispensable. If you're unfamiliar with them, I'd strongly recommend reading a few introductory tutorials on JOIN's. You'll be glad you did.