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Get the tax rate(s) from an order in WooCommerce 3

I'm displaying my products in the cart without any taxes because I'm adding them afterwords to the subtotal sum in the cart. The problem is that I can't find a way to get the tax rate used for an order later on the My Orders page. So I'm looking for a way to get the tax rate used during the checkout for an order. The rate can be different depending on the country.

What I have is:

global $order;



  • To get the tax rate(s) from an order you will have to get order "tax" item(s).

    You will get WC_Order_Item_Tax protected Object(s) and you have to use the dedicated available methods.

    Sample code:

    // Get an instance of the WC_Order Object
    $order = wc_get_order($order_id);
    // Loop through order tax items
    foreach( $order->get_items('tax') as $item ){
        $name        = $item->get_name(); // Get rate code name (item title)
        $rate_code   = $item->get_rate_code(); // Get rate code
        $rate_label  = $item->get_label(); // Get label
        $rate_id     = $item->get_rate_id(); // Get rate Id
        $tax_total   = $item->get_tax_total(); // Get tax total amount (for this rate)
        $ship_total  = $item->get_shipping_tax_total(); // Get shipping tax total amount (for this rate)
        $is_compound = $item->is_compound(); // check if is compound (conditional)
        $compound    = $item->get_compound(); // Get compound

    Note: An order can have multiple tax rates (items "tax").

    You can also use some related WC_Abstract_Order methods on the WC_Order Object to get:

    • Get the tax location for the order: $order->get_tax_location() (array).
    • Get all tax classes for items in the order: $order->get_items_tax_classes() (array). It will display an empty value for the "Standard" tax class.