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How can i see MACD signal by using stockstats?

I'm trying to draw a Macd indicator. I am using stockstats to draw it. But I can only see the Macd value.(and can not add it to csv file if you help me to add it too I'll be glad) how can i see MACD_EMA_SHORT,MACD_EMA_LONG,MACD_EMA_SIGNAL with stockstats? and trying to draw it like the picture.

enter image description here

Following is my attempt:

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from matplotlib import style
import matplotlib.dates as mdates
import pandas as pd
import requests
from stockstats import StockDataFrame as sdf

periods = '3600'
resp = requests.get('', params={'periods': periods})
df = pd.DataFrame(data['result'][periods], columns=[
    'CloseTime', 'Open', 'High', 'Low', 'Close', 'Volume','Adj Volume'])
df=pd.read_csv('eth.csv', parse_dates=True,index_col=0)
df.columns = df.columns.str.strip()
df['CloseTime'] = pd.to_datetime(df['CloseTime'], unit='s')
df = df.set_index('CloseTime')





KeyError: 'macd_ema_short'


  • MACD_EMA_SHORT is only a class method

    • you can't get it, unless you update the class
      • you need to return fast = df[ema_short]
    • MACD_EMA_SHORT is a parameter used for a calculation in _get_macd
      • MACD_EMA_SHORT = 12
      • ema_short = 'close_{}_ema'.format(cls.MACD_EMA_SHORT)
      • ema_short = 'close_12_ema'
    class StockDataFrame(pd.DataFrame):
        OPERATORS = ['le', 'ge', 'lt', 'gt', 'eq', 'ne']
        # Start of options.
        KDJ_PARAM = (2.0 / 3.0, 1.0 / 3.0)
        KDJ_WINDOW = 9
        BOLL_PERIOD = 20
        BOLL_STD_TIMES = 2
        MACD_EMA_SHORT = 12
        MACD_EMA_LONG = 26
        MACD_EMA_SIGNAL = 9
        def _get_macd(cls, df):
            """ Moving Average Convergence Divergence
            This function will initialize all following columns.
            MACD Line (macd): (12-day EMA - 26-day EMA)
            Signal Line (macds): 9-day EMA of MACD Line
            MACD Histogram (macdh): MACD Line - Signal Line
            :param df: data
            :return: None
            ema_short = 'close_{}_ema'.format(cls.MACD_EMA_SHORT)
            ema_long = 'close_{}_ema'.format(cls.MACD_EMA_LONG)
            ema_signal = 'macd_{}_ema'.format(cls.MACD_EMA_SIGNAL)
            fast = df[ema_short]
            slow = df[ema_long]
            df['macd'] = fast - slow
            df['macds'] = df[ema_signal]
            df['macdh'] = (df['macd'] - df['macds'])
            log.critical("NOTE: Behavior of MACDH calculation has changed as of "
                         "July 2017 - it is now 1/2 of previous calculated values")
            cls._drop_columns(df, [ema_short, ema_long, ema_signal])


    • find, then in def _get_macd(cls, df), comment out cls._drop_columns(df, [ema_short, ema_long, ema_signal]) (e.g. put # in front of it)
    • Then you can do stock['close_12_ema']

    Code to get the table:

    periods = '3600'
    resp = requests.get('', params={'periods': periods})
    data = resp.json()
    df = pd.DataFrame(data['result'][periods], columns=['date', 'open', 'high', 'low', 'close', 'volume', 'amount'])
    df['date'] = pd.to_datetime(df['date'], unit='s')
    stock = sdf.retype(df)
    • The extra columns don't get added until you do stock['macds'].


                               open        high         low       close      volume        amount  close_12_ema  close_26_ema      macd  macd_9_ema     macds     macdh
    2019-08-20 00:00:00  201.000000  203.379326  201.000000  202.138224  349.209128  70720.937575    202.138224    202.138224  0.000000    0.000000  0.000000  0.000000
    2019-08-20 01:00:00  202.187160  202.650000  200.701061  200.778709  329.485014  66411.899720    201.401820    201.432322 -0.030502   -0.016946 -0.016946 -0.013556
    2019-08-20 02:00:00  201.200000  201.558777  200.133667  200.338312   12.812929   2572.209909    200.986733    201.039255 -0.052522   -0.031526 -0.031526 -0.020996
    2019-08-20 03:00:00  200.915590  201.177018  200.396571  200.440000   21.910910   4395.692727    200.814151    200.871730 -0.057579   -0.040352 -0.040352 -0.017227
    2019-08-20 04:00:00  200.979999  200.979999  198.282603  198.644618  360.432424  71712.376256    200.224696    200.355253 -0.130557   -0.067186 -0.067186 -0.063371