I am trying to SFTP files from Linux to a Windows directory using SAS, but I keep running into errors.
My code is:
filename attn '/<Linux Directory>/file.doc';
filename outfile sftp '/<Linux Directory>/file.doc'; cd ='C:\Temp\file.doc'
options="oIdentityFile='~/.ssh/authorized_keys' -oPort=<port number>"
host="<hostname>" user="<username>" DEBUG ;
data _null_;
infile attn ;
file outfile ;
put _infile_;
But I keep facing the below errors:
ERROR: Physical file does not exist, /<Linux directory>/file.doc.
NOTE: usage: sftp [-1Cv] [-B buffer_size] [-b batchfile] [-F ssh_config] [-o ssh_option] [-P sftp_server_path] [-R
num_requests] [-S program] [-s subsystem | sftp_server] host sftp [user@]host[:file ...] sftp
[user@]host[:dir[/]] sftp -b batchfile [user@]host
NOTE: cd C:\Temp\task1045v2_13yrs_cc.doc
ERROR: Directory or file C:/temp/file.doc/ doesn't exist.
NOTE: The SAS System stopped processing this step because of errors.
Basically I am trying to recreate the below Visual Basic code in SAS:
open sftp://<userid>:<password>@<hostname> -hostkey="ssh-rsa <Port Number> <key>"
option echo on
option batch on
option confirm off
option transfer ascii
lcd "<Windows path/>"
cd <Linux path>
get <file.doc> /*the file which need to get transferred from linux to windows*/
VB Code (actual code to transfer):
strPath = "C:\Temp\"
strFileName = "<filename>.txt"
strFullName = objFSO.BuildPath(strPath, strFileName)
strLogName = objFSO.BuildPath(strPath, "<logfilename>.log")
Set objShell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell")
objShell.CurrentDirectory = strPath
Set objExec = objShell.Exec("""C:\Program Files (x86)\WinSCP\WinSCP.exe"" /console /script=""" & strFullName & """ /log=""" & strLogName & """")
Set objExec = Nothing
Set objShell = Nothing
Any advice would be appreciated. Thank you!
Looks like you are trying to move a file named file.doc
without changing its name. Make sure to tell SFTP the proper locations on the target machine where you want to write the file.
%let source=/<Linux Directory>;
%let target=C:\Temp;
%let fname=file.doc;
filename attn "&source/&fname";
filename outfile sftp "&fname" cd ="&target\"
options="oIdentityFile='~/.ssh/authorized_keys' -oPort=<port number>"
host="<hostname>" user="<username>" DEBUG
Note: When a statement is so long that you want to break it into multiple lines for readability I find it best to put the semi-colon that ends the statement on a new line. Just like you would put the end;
statement on a new line for a block of multiple statements. This will make it easier to spot missing (or as in your case, extra) semi-colons in the code.