I have a class Foo that uses class Bar. Bar is used only in Foo and Foo is managing Bar, therefore I use unique_ptr (not a reference, because I don't need Bar outside of Foo):
using namespace std;
struct IBar {
virtual ~IBar() = default;
virtual void DoSth() = 0;
struct Bar : public IBar {
void DoSth() override { cout <<"Bar is doing sth" << endl;};
struct Foo {
Foo(unique_ptr<IBar> bar) : bar_(std::move(bar)) {}
void DoIt() {
unique_ptr<IBar> bar_;
So far so good, this works fine. However, I have a problem when I want to unit test the code:
namespace {
struct BarMock : public IBar {
MOCK_METHOD0(DoSth, void());
struct FooTest : public Test {
FooTest() : barMock{ make_unique<BarMock>() }, out(std::move(barMock)) {}
unique_ptr<BarMock> barMock;
Foo out;
TEST_F(FooTest, shouldDoItWhenDoSth) {
EXPECT_CALL(*barMock, DoSth());
The test fails because the mock object was transfered fo Foo, and setting an expectation on such mock fails.
Possible options of DI:
The only solution I got is to store raw pointer to BarMock before Foo become solely owner of BarMock, i.e.:
struct FooTest : public Test {
FooTest() : barMock{new BarMock} {
auto ptr = unique_ptr<BarMock>(barMock);
out.reset(new Foo(std::move(ptr)));
BarMock* barMock;
unique_ptr<Foo> out;
Isn't there a cleaner solution? Do I have to use static dependency injection (templates)?
After all, I ended up using this approach everywhere:
struct FooTest : public Test {
FooTest() : barMock{new BarMock} {
auto ptr = unique_ptr<BarMock>(barMock);
out.reset(new Foo(std::move(ptr)));
BarMock* barMock;
unique_ptr<Foo> out;
and it works fine with gtest/gmock