I'm writing some code that use jni. My target platform is Windows. So my jni functions have to use stdcall calling convention but Rust exports functions only with cdecl calling convention.
I use MinGW(may be it important)
I wrote 2 functions:
pub unsafe extern "C" fn exported_cmethod(env: &JNIEnv, obj: jobject, path: jstring) {
// Some jni staff
pub unsafe extern "stdcall" fn exported_stdmethod(env: &JNIEnv, obj: jobject, path: jstring) {
// Some jni staff
And than I used dumpbin to see exports table
dumpbin /exports acc_check.dll | findstr exported
2094 82D 000014A0 exported_cmethod = __ZN4core3fmt5Write10write_char17h774b1da469bdbfa3E
So as you can see Rust exported C method but didn't export stdcall method
What I do wrong?
So I figured out how to fix this issue.
I used gnu toolchain with MinGW and it was a mistake. I just downloaded MSVC toolchain with microsoft sdk and it solved my problem.