For every element in a dict a, I need to count how many times the element in 'age' column appears in one specific column of another dataframe in pandas For example , I have a dict below:
and I have another dataframe with a few columns
TableB= {'name': ['Braund', 'Cummings', 'Heikkinen', 'Allen'],
'age': [22,38,26,35,41,22,38],
'fare': [7.25, 71.83, 0 , 8.05,7,6.05,6],
'survived?': [False, True, True, False, True, False, True]}
I would like to know how many times every element in dict a appears in the column 'age' in TableB. The result I expect is c={'age':[22,38,26],'count':[2,2,1]}
I have tried apply function but it does not work. It comes with syntax error, I'm new to Pandas, could anyone please help with that? Thank you!
def myfunction(y):
seriesObj = TableB.apply(lambda x: True if y in list(x) else False, axis=1)
numOfRows = len(seriesObj[seriesObj == True].index)
return numofRows
I would like to know how many times every element in list a appears in the column 'age' in TableB. The result should be
You can just use merging of data frames to filter out the values that don't appear in a
and just count the values.
import pandas as pd
TableB= {'name': ['Braund', 'Cummings', 'Heikkinen', 'Allen', 'Jones', 'Davis', 'Smith'],
'age': [22,38,26,35,41,22,38],
'fare': [7.25, 71.83, 0 , 8.05,7,6.05,6],
'survived?': [False, True, True, False, True, False, True]}
df_a = pd.DataFrame(a)
df_tb = pd.DataFrame(TableB)
(pd.merge(df_tb, df_a, on='age')['age']
{'age': [22, 38, 26], 'count': [2, 2, 1]}