Using Navigation Components, a Fragment
opens a DialogFragment
, which may open up a second DialogFragment
. Dismissing the first DialogFragment
, will dismiss the second as well. However, I like to let the second DialogFragment
to stay active until is dismisses itself.
Probably this is as intended. In my case it's a fragment opening a custom Share Bottom Sheet dialog. The bottom sheet is dismissed after an item is tapped. When an item is clicked and the result is long lasting, a loading dialog is shown. The loading dialog dismisses itself when it is done.
So, the hierarchy is: MainFragment - Share DialogFragment - Loading DialogFragment.
I've tried navigating to the loading dialog using a global action instead of a dialog to dialog action, but that did not have any influence.
Using (its' parent) MainFragmentDiretions.action**
inside the Share bottom sheet resulted in a crash. Good, it should.
A solution would be:
Let MainFragment
open the loading dialog. I'd prefer neither DialogFragments depending on its' parent.
Hide the Share bottom sheet at item click and dismiss when the loading dialog is dismissed. I also do not like this dependency.
How to prevent the loading dialog from being dismissed if the share dialog is dismissed, without shifting more responsibility to MainFragment
I think you're passing ChildFragmentManager of dialog fragment to your loading-DialogFragment, You can prevent the loading dialog from being dismissed by using two ways:
1) By using android Dialog instead of DialogFragment. 2) By passing the ChildFragmentManager of MainFragment or FragmentManager of your activity, here's an example:
class MainFragment : Fragment() {
fun displayDataDialog() {
DataDialogFrag().show(childFragmentManager, DataDialogFrag.TAG)
class DataDialogFrag : DialogFragment() {
fun displayLoadingDialog() {
val loading = LoadingDialog()
if (parentFragment != null) {!!.childFragmentManager, LoadingDialog.TAG)
} else {, LoadingDialog.TAG)
companion object {
const val TAG = "data_dialog"
class LoadingDialog : DialogFragment() {
companion object {
const val TAG = "loading_dialog"