Trying to understand the ngrx example app, got stuck and unable to figure out its use case.
What is the importance of State in the below code taken from ngrx-example-app
export interface State extends fromRoot.State {
[booksFeatureKey]: BooksState;
/** Provide reducer in AoT-compilation happy way */
export function reducers(state: BooksState | undefined, action: Action) {
return combineReducers({
[fromSearch.searchFeatureKey]: fromSearch.reducer,
[fromBooks.booksFeatureKey]: fromBooks.reducer,
[fromCollection.collectionFeatureKey]: fromCollection.reducer,
})(state, action);
Doing this has no run-time differences, it's only to make typescript aware you "have" a root state.
This is needed to make typescript happy if you access root state or root selectors from within your feature state selectors.