I have been unable to create a Powershell function that accepts more than one scriptblock parameter. Here's the simplified test script. What is the issue with multiple scriptblocks?
function Task1 {
function Task2 {
param([scriptblock]$f={}, [scriptblock]$k={})
Task1({write-host "hello" -nonewline })
Task1({write-host " world" })
Task2({write-host "hello" -nonewline }, { write-host " world" })
This produces the following output:
hello world
Task3 : Cannot process argument transformation on parameter 'f'. Cannot convert the "System.Object[]" value of type "S
ystem.Object[]" to type "System.Management.Automation.ScriptBlock".
Your problem is that you are using parentheses and commas when calling functions, a common mistake in powershell.
These should work:
Task1 {write-host "hello" -nonewline }
Task1 {write-host " world" }
Task2 {write-host "hello" -nonewline } { write-host " world" }