I have a vector x and want to get the frequency of occurences of elements of vector x in vector y. in the end I need a dataframe with the first column showing the elements of x and the second column showing the frequency of these as they occur in vector y:
element_x frequency_in_y
hello 2
my 1
world 0
I have tried something clumsy as that but that doesn't do the trick.
freq_x <- as_tibble(x) %>% mutate(Freq=str_count(x, y))
x <- c("hello", "my", "world")
y <- c("hello there", "this is my life", "hello", "bla")
One option with base R
out <- sapply(seq(x), function(i) sum(grepl(x[i],y)))
data.frame(element_x=x, frequency_in_y=out)
element_x frequency_in_y
1 hello 2
2 my 1
3 world 0
For getting more than one occurances of a word you can run,
x <- c("hello", "my", "world")
y <- c("hello there", "this is my my life", "hello", "bla") # 2 my including now.
out <- colSums(sapply(x, function(i) str_count(y, i)))
data.frame(element_x=x, frequency_in_y=out)
element_x frequency_in_y
hello hello 2
my my 2
world world 0