I am using JetBrains Rider 2018.1.3 on Win 10 x64 to develop some Unity games.
One of my C# scripts is around 12000 lines of code and the file size is about 550KB. Code inspection is disabled for this file, and adding code to this file is getting really hard, because it does not even show the errors to me. I have to type my code, save, go to unity, wait for compile to complete, and see my errors in unity console. The inspection is working fine on small files.
Is there anything I can do to re-enable this feature for large files?
Here is the image of the error I am getting:
You can refactor this file to not be insane.
If there is more than one class in this file - split it up so that it's one file per class.
If it's some gigantic class, then use partial
to split it up into logical chunks.
I don't think there is an IDE in the world that would be able to read that file in a helpful manner, so I'm afraid you're just going to have to do some cleaning. Reinstalling Rider or changing settings won't help - you've hit (and probably well exceeded) a hard limit. Even if you could change a setting to 'fix' it, you'll be a lot better off in the long term if you split this up.