let's say there are 2 models.
user model:
has_many :posts
post model:
belongs_to :user
has_many_attached :files, dependent: :destroy
what I want is simply all files of the user. something like:
has _may :post_files , through: posts, class_name: "XXX"
or any other way which can give me all the files of the user.
so I want all files of all posts which belong to the user. like user.post_files
thank you all for your answers. I found the solution.
has_many_attached :files
actually sets two has_many relationships:
has_many :files_attachments
has_many :files_blobs
So in user.rb (parent model) we can simply have:
has_many :files_attachments, through: :posts
and in this way, you can have user.files_attachments to get all files of posts for one user.