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How to use $ in Visual Studio Code snippets?

I'm working on some PHP stuff but because I don't want to write the entire defafault PHP/HTML stuff so I was making a snippet in VSCode. But then when I needed to use a $_POST[] in the snippet it wouldn't work because that it will use it as tabstop.

I've been trying to fix this I read somewhere that I needed to put a \ in front of the $ but that makes the $ not appear at all.

Here is my snippet:

"phpquickboilerplate": {
        "prefix": "phpq",
        "body": [
          "\t\t\t$4: <input type=\"${5|button,checkbox,color,date,datetime-local,email,file,hidden,image,month,number,password,radio,range,reset,search,submit,tel,text,time,url,week|}\" name=\"${6:name1}\" value=\"<?php if (empty($_POST[\"${6:name1}\"])) {echo \"$7\";} else {echo $_POST[\"${6:name1}\"];} ?>\" />",
        "description": "phpquickboilerplate"

How can I use the $ without making a tabstop?


  • You're right that \ can be used to escape $, but the \ itself must also be escaped since it's in a JSON string, so you end up with


    Visual Studio Code should show an error when you just use \$_POST. On my machine, I see \$ in red and the whole string gets underlined, but when I use \\$ the \\ goes yellow and the underlining goes away.