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I want to pass reference of a vector to a function then modify it there and return as vector

I want to pass address of a vector that contains i64 values to a function as argument, then I want my function to modify the vector at its original location and return the modified vector as i64.

I tried to pass mutable reference of the vector to the function and tried to modified it but compiler showing error: a struct with a similar name exists and error: expected type found macro etc.

fn main() {
    let mut my_vector: Vec<i64> = Vec::new();
    println!("{:?}", my_vector);
    let vec_ref: &[vec<i64>] = &my_vector;
    let v2 = change_vector(&mut vec_ref);
    println!("{:?}", v2);
    println!("{:?}", my_vector);

fn change_vector(new_vector: &[vec<i64>]) -> Vec<i64> {


I expect my function change_vector() to receive reference of the location of my_vector, modify it and then return it as vector. Its not happening, compiler showing errors and aborting:

error[E0573]: expected type, found macro `vec`
 --> src/
7 |     let vec_ref: &[vec<i64>] = &my_vector;
  |                    ^^^^^^^^
help: a struct with a similar name exists
7 |     let vec_ref: &[Vec<i64>] = &my_vector;
  |                    ^^^
help: use `!` to invoke the macro
7 |     let vec_ref: &[vec!] = &my_vector;
  |                    ^^^^

error[E0573]: expected type, found macro `vec`
  --> src/
13 | fn change_vector(new_vector: &[vec<i64>]) -> Vec<i64> {
   |                                ^^^^^^^^
help: a struct with a similar name exists
13 | fn change_vector(new_vector: &[Vec<i64>]) -> Vec<i64> {
   |                                ^^^
help: use `!` to invoke the macro
13 | fn change_vector(new_vector: &[vec!]) -> Vec<i64> {
   |                                ^^^^

I would be grateful for any help.


  • There are a bunch of issues with your code stemming from incorrect syntax and goals. Let's go through them one by one:

    let mut my_vector: Vec<i64> = Vec::new();
    println!("{:?}", my_vector);

    This is fine. my_vector contains [11, 12, 13].

    let vec_ref: &[vec<i64>] = &my_vector;

    This is not fine. A reference to Vec<i64> is &Vec<i64>, not a slice. Change this to let vec_ref:&Vec<i64> = &my_vector;. You also do not need this line and if you decide to use this reference later, your code will stop compiling due to a later decision, which we are about to get to...

    let v2 = change_vector(&mut vec_ref);

    This is not fine. You cannot take a mutable reference of an immutable reference. It stands to reason. change_vector(&mut my_vector) is fine syntactically, but combined with the previous assignment, is a minefield. You've acquired an immutable reference as vec_ref on the line above; if you do not use vec_ref the compiler will drop it entirely for you; however, if you do decide to use it your code will not compile due to you not being able to hold an immutable and a mutable borrow at the same time.

    fn change_vector(new_vector: &[vec<i64>]) -> Vec<i64> {

    This is not fine, for reasons above. It should be fn change_vector(new_vector: &mut Vec<i64>) {.

    The reason the return type changed is that you cannot return an owned Vec from a reference without allocation. If you did want to allocate, then obviously this should be different.


    This is fine.


    With the new return signature, this line is superfluous.

    The corrected code is visible here