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Include and size local images from local directory into Xaringan (remark.js) presentation ... (using via Rstudio on mac)

I want to include images/material from local directory into a Xaringan remark.js presentatio and size them. I'm doing this via Rmd/Rstudio on a mac. I want to be able to customise the size with a macro as suggested in Yihui's docs

The suggested macros to size this do not work for me.

Adding the line:


works fine, but adding beforeInit: "macros.js" and adding the macros to that file knitting yields a blank presentation

title: "A Cool Presentation"
    css: [default, metropolis, metropolis-fonts]
    seal: true
    self_contained: true
    yolo: false
    beforeInit: "macros.js"
      autoplay: 30000

- Hello world 



# new slide??

This works:



But this does not work:

.center[![:scale 50%](picsfigs/trachoma.jpg)]

Nor this

.center[![trachoma][:scale 50%](picsfigs/trachoma.jpg)]

one more slide


macros.js file:

remark.macros.scale = function (percentage) {
  var url = this;
  return '<img src="' + url + '" style="width: ' + percentage + '" />';


  • You need to put beforeInit: "macros.js" under nature as below.

    title: "A Cool Presentation"
        css: [default, metropolis, metropolis-fonts]
        seal: true
        self_contained: true
        yolo: false
          autoplay: 30000
          beforeInit: "macros.js"