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XML Parsing Error: not well-formed, error trying to load GeoJSON

UPDATE: I opened the shapefile from which my GeoJSON file came using QGIS. I saved the layer as this GeoJSON file, making sure to select the projection WGS84/EPSG:4326 when saving. But I still get the same error described below when I attempt to place the GeoJSON on a Google Maps layer. The original shapefile is here.

I'm trying to add this GeoJSON to a map using Google Maps API.

My code.

    <div id="map"></div>
    <script type="text/javascript">
        function initMap(){
            var map = new google.maps.Map(
                    zoom: 9,
                    center: {lat: 26.6949358, lng: -80.3487426}
    <script async defer src="">

But when I open the HTML file in Firefox, I see the following error in the developer's console.

XML Parsing Error: not well-formed
Location: file:///path/to/city-boundaries.geojson

How do I fix this error?


  • loadGeoJson uses XHR under the covers, it won't work with local files. The files need to be served by a webserver.

    From the documentation:

    loadGeoJson(url[, options, callback])
    url: string
    options: Data.GeoJsonOptions optional
    callback: function(Array) optional
    Return Value: None
    Loads GeoJSON from a URL, and adds the features to the collection.

    NOTE: The GeoJSON is fetched using XHR, and may not work cross-domain. If you have issues, we recommend you fetch the GeoJSON using your choice of AJAX library, and then call addGeoJson().