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Laravel Policies and Gate ignore if admin is logged

I am using Policies and Gate (Roles - Role_User Users) to assign permissions to users in my Laravel project, everything works fine. But I don't know how the admin account can perform every action without having to assign all the permissions to it.

// AuthServiceProvider
public function boot()

public function registerStaffPolicies()
    Gate::define('staff-view', function($user){
        return $user->hasAccess(['staff-view']);
    Gate::define('staff-add', function($user){
        return $user->hasAccess(['staff-add']);
    Gate::define('staff-edit', function($user){
        return $user->hasAccess(['staff-edit']);
    Gate::define('staff-delete', function($user){
        return $user->hasAccess(['staff-delete']);
// registerTaskPolicies ...

// My route
Route::get('/staff', 'StaffController@index')->middleware('can:staff-view');
Route::get('/staff/add', 'StaffController@add')->middleware('can:staff-add');
Route::post('/staff/add', 'StaffController@add')->middleware('can:staff-add');


  • You could define a gate interceptor for your admin role.

    Gate::before(function ($user, $ability) {
        if ($user->isAdmin()) {
            return true;