Looking for a solution to poll an a-sync REST call till result is FOUND with Codeception / codeceptJS e2e testing suite. Have no clue at all if this is possible at all. Polling will go on for max 1 to 2 minutes and every 10 seconds will be okay.
Scenario.only('Poll for print job status', async (I, loginAs) => {
const guid = '4b46b91f-5e03-4bd1-845e-96d179b9f607';
const endPointObj = { endPoint: 'https://......../print-service/api/print/job/',
headers: { 'Ocp-Apim-Subscription-Key': 'theKey' },
APIversion: '?api-version=2019-07-01'
const printJobService = async (guid, found) => {
let serviceResultData;
const serviceResult = await I.sendGetRequest(`${endPointObj.endPoint}${guid}${endPointObj.APIversion}`, endPointObj.headers);
serviceResultData = serviceResult.data;
return serviceResultData;
const printJobServiceResultFound = await printJobService(guid);
const response = printJobServiceResultFound;
// checkResult is an external UTIL function that checks the result
assert.equal(checkResult(response), 'FOUND');
So I've got this working, but this is only a 1-time run. Have been thinking of different approaches but only thing I came up with is the retry() function but that relies on something failing. My service doesn't fail.
The function printJobService
needs to be polled.
Insights would be much appreciated.
This was written for an older RxJS which polled recursively to a service till the service returned a JSON attribute __next, once the __next was not there that means the polling had to stop. You can modify it to rxJS 6+. Let me know if it helps
poll(): Observable<{source : STATS[], data : any[]}>{
return this.retrieve('STATS')
.expand(obj => obj.__next
? this.retrieve('STATS',obj.__next.substr(obj.__next.indexOf('?')+1)).map(res=>res.json().d)
: Observable.empty()
.reduce((acc, data) => acc.concat(data.results), [])
.map((stats) => {
// when succesful