I try to install ForestAdmin but get an error after set up my account and generate my lumber db.
What I did :
lumber generate -c 'mongodb+srv://ugo:<my-password>@tlf-qraep.mongodb.net/test?retryWrites=true&w=majority' test
cd test
npm install
npm install lumber-forestadmin --save
lumber install lumber-forestadmin --email <my-mail> --projectName test
npm start
I got this message so I clicked on it
Your admin panel is available here: https://app.forestadmin.com/49189
I re-entered my password but I got this error message :
"Unlock your data Oops, cannot reach your application. Are you sure it is running? If your application is running, you might have a CORS configuration issue."
I checked and my server running on port localhost 3000.
Someone already got this error message?
Thx for the help guys.
I finally succeed to remove the error. I generated a new lumber on an other port (3003 rather than 3000) and it worked for me !