I have an app with a child component that makes a call to an api for a player's season stats. You click on the players name and I emit click event to child from Parent component. The problem is when you click on Players name from parent all instances of the child component are revealed. I just want the one player. I thought because I have a showComponent instance for each child by toggling this.showComponent in child would get my expected behavior but no. Code: Parent-
methods: {
emitPlayerSeasonStatsClicked: function(event) {
const target = event.target;
EventBus.$emit("showPlayerTemplateClicked", target);
template: `
<div v-for="playerStats in props_box_game_scores[index].data.gameboxscore.awayTeam.awayPlayers.playerEntry">
<tr v-if="playerStats.player.Position === 'P'" class="d-flex" v-bind:data-player-id="playerStats.player.ID">
<td class="col-4 justify-content-center" scope="row" title="Click for Season Stats">
{{playerStats.player.FirstName}} {{playerStats.player.LastName}}
<span v-if="playerStats.stats.Wins['#text'] === '1'">(W)</span>
<span v-else-if="playerStats.stats.Losses['#text'] === '1'">(L)</span>
<span v-else-if="playerStats.stats.Saves['#text'] === '1'">(S)</span>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center" justify-content="center">
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center">{{playerStats.stats.RunsAllowed['#text']}}</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center">{{playerStats.stats.PitcherStrikeouts['#text']}}</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center">{{playerStats.stats.EarnedRunAvg['#text']}}
<pitcher-season-stats v-bind:props_player_id="playerStats.player.ID"></pitcher-season-stats>
cumlativeStats: Vue.component("player-season-stats", {
props: ["props_player_id"],
data: function() {
return {
Hits: "",
HR: "",
RBI: "",
BattingAvg: "",
showComponent: false
mounted: function() {
EventBus.$on("showPlayerTemplateClicked", function(data) {
this.showComponent = !this.showComponent;
methods: {
retrievePlayerStats: function(playerId) {
const url = `https://api.mysportsfeeds.com/v1.2/pull/mlb/2019-regular/cumulative_player_stats.json?player=`;
const params = {
playerstats: "AB,H,HR,RBI,AVG",
force: true
template: `
<tr class="d-flex" v-if:showComponent>
<td @click="retrievePlayerStats(props_player_id)" class="col-4 justify-content-center" scope="row">
Season Stats</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center" justify-content="center">
{{ Hits }}</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center">{{ HR }}</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center"> {{ BattingAvg }}</td>
<td class="col-2 justify-content-center">{{ RBI }}</td>
` // End template
Any suggestions welcome. Sorry for the formatting.
The code provided doesn't actually call emitPlayerSeasonStatsClicked
but I assume that's supposed to go on the <td>
that includes the name.
If you write the click listener like this:
class="col-4 justify-content-center"
title="Click for Season Stats"
Then include the id as part of the event emitted by the event bus:
emitPlayerSeasonStatsClicked: function(playerId) {
EventBus.$emit("showPlayerTemplateClicked", playerId);
Listening for this in the mounted would be:
mounted: function() {
EventBus.$on("showPlayerTemplateClicked", this.onShowPlayerTemplateClicked);
with method:
methods: {
onShowPlayerTemplateClicked: function(playerId) {
if (playerId === this.props_player_id) {
this.showComponent = !this.showComponent;
Assuming the player ids are unique that should be enough to get it working.
). Another would be to use props. Yet another would be to use refs to call a method on the child.this
value for the listener in mounted
will not be the component. I've fixed that by moving it to a method, which Vue will bind correctly. Another reason to move this to a method is that it allows you to remove the listener when the component is destroyed.v-if:showComponent
is not a thing. I assume that should be v-if="showComponent"
elements seem to be immediate children of <div>
elements. That isn't correct HTML for tables.