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Why does a read-only open of a named pipe block?

I've noticed a couple of oddities when dealing with named pipes (FIFOs) under various flavors of UNIX (Linux, FreeBSD and MacOS X) using Python. The first, and perhaps most annoying is that attempts to open an empty/idle FIFO read-only will block (unless I use os.O_NONBLOCK with the lower level call). However, if I open it for read/write then I get no blocking.


f = open('./myfifo', 'r')               # Blocks unless data is already in the pipe
f ='./myfifo', os.O_RDONLY)    # ditto

# Contrast to:
f = open('./myfifo', 'w+')                           # does NOT block
f ='./myfifo', os.O_RDWR)                   # ditto
f ='./myfifo', os.O_RDONLY|os.O_NONBLOCK)   # ditto

Note: The behavior is NOT Python specific. Example in Python to make it easier to replicate and understand for a broader audience).

I'm just curious why. Why does the open call block rather than some subsequent read operation?

Also I've noticed that a non-blocking file descriptor can exhibit two different behaviors in Python. In the case where I use with the os.O_NONBLOCK for the initial opening operation, then an seems to return an empty string if data is not ready on the file descriptor. However, if I use fcntl.fcnt(f.fileno(), fcntl.F_SETFL, fcntl.GETFL | os.O_NONBLOCK) then an raises an exception (errno.EWOULDBLOCK)

Is there some other flag being set by the normal open() that's not set by my example? How are they different and why?


  • That's just the way it's defined. From the Open Group page for the open() function

        When opening a FIFO with O_RDONLY or O_WRONLY set: If O_NONBLOCK is
            An open() for reading only will return without delay. An open()
            for writing only will return an error if no process currently
            has the file open for reading.
        If O_NONBLOCK is clear:
            An open() for reading only will block the calling thread until a
            thread opens the file for writing. An open() for writing only
            will block the calling thread until a thread opens the file for