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JMS Queue w/o response

I am setting up a JMS Queue and was having trouble with the service. I cannot find any examples, but also no definite no's, on sending a JMS queue and no response. I have to send an object from one module to another for an update, no response needed. Can JMS handle this or is a response necessary? After implementing mine, the other JMS service is getting an EJB not found error on deployment, haven't touched it, and was wondering if this is a common, or stupid mistake, that somebody could point me to.

Set up the server xml, ejb-jar, Queue directories and such. When I deploy the other EJB gives a non existent error and will not deploy the module.

This is an enterprise env. and the code is spread out through many different directories and classes.

Just need to make the message send... If you down vote, call me stupid but attach a quick reference guide I'll take it. Only have 2 days to get this working.


  • I had set up my ejb file under the business package since that is where my consumer was, this configuration needed to be in the web module.