I have a service, that returns joke from official example:
final case class JokeError(e: Throwable) extends RuntimeException
def impl[F[_] : Sync](C: Client[F]): Jokes[F] = new Jokes[F] {
val dsl = new Http4sClientDsl[F] {}
import dsl._
def get: F[Jokes.Joke] = {
.adaptError { case t => JokeError(t) }
But I want cache first requested joke (just by constant key, this doesn't matter) with guava cache:
object Jokes {
def apply[F[_]](implicit ev: Jokes[F]): Jokes[F] = ev
final case class Joke(joke: String) extends AnyRef
object Joke {
implicit val jokeDecoder: Decoder[Joke] = deriveDecoder[Joke]
implicit def jokeEntityDecoder[F[_]: Sync]: EntityDecoder[F, Joke] =
implicit val jokeEncoder: Encoder[Joke] = deriveEncoder[Joke]
implicit def jokeEntityEncoder[F[_]: Applicative]: EntityEncoder[F, Joke] =
final case class JokeError(e: Throwable) extends RuntimeException
def impl[F[_]: Sync](C: Client[F]): Jokes[F] = new Jokes[F]{
val cacheLoader : CacheLoader[String, Joke] = new CacheLoader[String, Joke] {
override def load(key: String): Joke = {
import dsl._
val joke: F[Joke] = C.expect[Joke](GET(uri"https://icanhazdadjoke.com/"))
.adaptError{ case t => JokeError(t)}
//? F[Joke] => Joke
val cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(cacheLoader)
val dsl = new Http4sClientDsl[F]{}
def get: F[Jokes.Joke] = {
//it's ok?
As you can see, cacheLoader
requires "materialized" value F[Joke] => Joke
. And cache return pure value without F
How can I use this cache in F
polymorpic code?
You're basically asking how to run code polymorphic in F
, to do so you need an Effect
constraint to your F
Also instead of using pure
, you would need to use delay
, since getting a value from the cache is a side effect.
val cacheLoader : CacheLoader[String, Joke] = new CacheLoader[String, Joke] {
override def load(key: String): Joke = {
import dsl._
val joke: F[Joke] = C.expect[Joke](GET(uri"https://icanhazdadjoke.com/"))
.adaptError{ case t => JokeError(t)}
// This is a side effect, but can't avoid it due to the way the API is designed
val cache = CacheBuilder.newBuilder().build(cacheLoader)
val dsl = new Http4sClientDsl[F]{}
def get: F[Jokes.Joke] = {
// This is okay :)
As an aside, if you want to use something that interoperates really well with http4s, I strongly recommend mules
. Check it out here: