I've a script that makes a query to my database on MySQL. And my doubt is if I can pass any parameter to that query through Python.
For example, on the following script I want to calculate the date_filter using Python and then apply that filter on the query.
now = dt.datetime.now()
date_filter = now - timedelta(days=3)
dq_connection = mysql.connector.connect(user='user', password='pass', host='localhost', database='db')
engine = create_engine('localhost/db')
cursor = connection.cursor(buffered=True)
query = ('''
FROM myTable
WHERE date >= ''' + date_filter + '''
I try it on that way but I got the following error:
builtins.TypeError: can only concatenate str (not "datetime.datetime") to str
It is possible to apply the filter like that?
Yes, you can do it. To avoid sql injections, the best way is not using the python formatting facilities, but the sql parameters & placeholders (see that you don´t need the single quotes ' as the placeholder does the job and converts the type of the variable):
now = dt.datetime.now()
date_filter = now - timedelta(days=3)
dq_connection = mysql.connector.connect(user='user', password='pass', host='localhost', database='db')
engine = create_engine('localhost/db')
cursor = db_connection.cursor(buffered=True)
query = "SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE date >=%s"
Also, you had a mistake in your cursor, it should be db_connection.cursor. The last comma after date_filter is ok because you need to send a tuple. In case you need more than one paremeter, you can place more than one placeholder:
query = "SELECT * FROM myTable WHERE date >=%s and date<=%s"