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Custom TS multi-file source filter for DirectShow

I'm having problems writing a custom DS source filter to play a TS stream that was dumped to multiple files. [ed: The point being to re-play a continuous stream from these separate files]

First I tried modifying the Async file sample: no go - the data 'pull' model seems to put all the controlling logic in the splitter filter so I couldn't trick it into believing I have a 'continuous' stream.

So then tried modifying the PushSource desktop sample: it appears we have to babysit the MPEG demuxer this way to create its output pin, parsing data myself to get IDs etc. I managed to get GraphStudio to auto-wire up something (using a strange DTV-DVD decoder) but it doesn't play anything despite the source filter pushing the right data downstream.

Does anyone have experience in this area to help/suggest anything?


  • Have you found a solution to your problem, now?

    I am writing a similar DirectShow filter, currently for playing only one file, but I think that modifying it for playing several files should not be a problem.

    I built this filter starting from the "Push Source Bitmap" filter, but I had to make a lot of changes on it.

    I also had to build the graph using an application that I wrote (so not using GraphEdit), connect the "Mpeg-2 Demultiplexer" to the new filter, add one PSI output (mapped to PID 0 = PAT) and the "MPEG-2 Sections and Tables Filter" connected to this PSI output.

    After that, I used the "MPEG-2 Sections and Tables Filter" for reading the PAT table and the PMT PIDs defined inside it. Next, I mapped also all PMT PIDs to the same "MPEG-2 Sections and Tables Filter", and I parsed the PMT tables for knowing Elementary Streams PIDs and media types, and next I created one video output and one audio output based on these informations (there may be more than one audio + video streams, but at the current step I retain only the first one). Note that this needs to run the partial graph temporarily in order to be able to parse tables, and after to stop it in order to be able to create the video and audio output pins (with the proper media types) and connect decoders and renderers.

    In addition to that, I have an information that I you could find interesting: it appears that when connected, the "Mpeg-2 Demultiplexer" searchs the graph for a filter exposing the "IBDA_NetworkProvider" interface, and if found, it registers itself to it using the IBDA_NetworkProvider::RegisterDeviceFilter method.

    I think that you could use this for detecting the "Mpeg-2 Demultiplexer" filter insertion into the graph (by exposing the "IBDA_NetworkProvider" interface from your filter), and try to make the above operations from your source filter, thus allowing to use your filter inside GraphEdit and expect the "Mpeg-2 Demultiplexer" to be baby-sat from this filter without worrying to build an application around for doing these operations.
