IE11 does not seem to calculate hsl(31, 86, calc(54% - 10%)), but all other browsers do.
I want to use calc in hsl value with CSS Custom Properties(css variables). And I don't want to use SASS functions. (I use this polyfill to use css variables for IE11. )
--accent-color-h: 31;
--accent-color-s: 86%;
--accent-color-l: 54%;
.darken .accent-color{
background-color: hsl(var(--accent-color-h), var(--accent-color-s), calc(var(--accent-color-l) - 10%));
IE does not support calc() on color functions. Example: color: hsl(calc(60 * 2), 100%, 50%).
You'll need to scrape your requirement for calc()
in this context