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Block special prompt during add new file system

I try to create a new file system for my sftp server, but when I run the command it prompts something about a block special device that I don't understand.

I tried to mount using following command :

mkfs.ext4 /MYPJsftpfs 

to create the new file system.

[root@mykulsftp01 ~]# mkfs.ext4 /MYPJsftpfs
mke2fs 1.42.9 (28-Dec-2013)
/MYPJsftpfs is not a block special device.
Proceed anyway? (y,n)

What actually is a block special device? Why on other server did I not get this prompt when creating a new file system?


  • i tried to mount using below command :
    mkfs.ext4 /MYPJsftpfs

    Note, please, this command is not for mount !
    With it you try to build ext4 file system on some block device.

    from man mkfs:

    mkfs is used to build a Linux file system on a device, usually a hard disk partition.

    You wrote:

    What is actually special block device?

    A block device is a kind of file which represents a device of some kind, with data that can be read or written to it in blocks. Block devices often represent a mass-storage unit of some kind (for example, a partition on a hard disk or on a USB pen drive).
    Typically they are created in catalog /dev

    Thus, you should:
    1) make sure you created some Linux partition for sftp, for example it will have block device /dev/sdb10.
    2) build ext4 file system there:

    mkfs.ext4 /dev/sdb10

    3) mount your partiton (if required):

    sudo mount -v /dev/sdb10 /path/to/MYPJsftpfs

    4) Check created partition with command df -h or lsblk.