I am new to MongoDB. I wanted to transform this mongo DB query to java code. I have tried a little bit. But I am having an issue. Please, If anybody helps means that will be a great help for me. Thanks in advance.
$match: {
"ids": 9999999,
$or : [{"tags.name":"roja"},{"tags.location":"US"},{"tags.year":2019}]
'$facet': {
metadata: [{ $count: "total" }],
data: [{
$addFields: {
"weight": {
$map: {
input: "$tags",
as: "tagsEl",
in: {
{$cond: [ { $eq: [ '$$tagsEl.roja', 'roja' ] }, 15, 1 ]} ,
{$cond: [ { $eq: [ '$$tagsEl.location', 'US' ] }, 10, 1 ]},
{$cond: [ { $eq: [ '$$tagsEl.year', 2019 ] }, 5, 1 ]}
}, { $skip: 0 }, { $limit: 10 }, { '$sort': { 'weight' : -1 } }]
You can use Studio3T to directly convert your query into java code, unless you don't get comfortable with the syntax.