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Spring boot 1.5.12 Aspect not called

I know that there are a lot of similar questions in Stackoverflow but none of them helped me.

I have a controller like this:


public class MyController {

  @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.POST,
  public ResponseEntity<?> MyEndpoint(myParams) {
      return this.myMethod(myParams, "myString");

  public ResponseEntity<?> myMethod(myParams, String myString){
     //do something
     return myReponseEntity

I defined my aspect in this way:


public class MyAspect {
    @Around("execution(* com.mypkg.controller.MyController.MyEndpoint(..))  && args(..,aParam)")
    public ResponseEntity<?> endpointAround(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, String aParam) throws Throwable {
        // I am working fine
        // do something

    @Around("execution(* com.mypkg.controller.MyController.myMethod(..))  && args(..,myString)")
    public ResponseEntity<?> myMethodAround(ProceedingJoinPoint joinPoint, String myString) throws Throwable {
        // **** I AM NOT CALLED****
        // do something
        // return ...

I configured the AutoProxy

public class AopConfig {}

The function endpointAround is called every time that I call MyEndpoint (throw the REST api).

The problem is the second @Around. it is not called. I need to call a method everytime MyEndpoint is exectued and another one eveytime that MyEndpoint call myMethod.


  • The problem is that your method myMethod is call from within your other method directly, and not as a someSpringBean.myMethod.

    The way spring works is by wrapping any of your beans, and then on the 'wrapping' it can execute all the aspect or other spring related stuff. When you call one method from another one inside the same class, you don't go through the wrapping, thus the aspect related stuff can't happen