I have implemented BLOC pattern to my login screen.
The code below is button click event here what happens is when i click the Login button with wrong credentials first time it shows snackbar once, if i click the button again it show two times if i again click it shows three times & so on...
Future _validateInputs() async {
final form = _loginKey.currentState;
if (form.validate()) {
print(_userIDController.text + _passwordController.text);
bloc.validateLogin(_userIDController.text, _passwordController.text);
if(loginDetails != null) {
if(loginDetails.loginStatus) {
// Navigate to Home
print("Login Sucess");
} else {
content: Text('Invalid Username or Password'),
This is my BLOC code i don't know where i'm doing wrong.
class LoginBloc {
final _repository = Repository();
var _doLogin = PublishSubject<LoginModel>();
Observable<LoginModel> get loginDetails => _doLogin.stream;
validateLogin(String userName,String password) async {
LoginModel itemModel = await _repository.doLogin(userName,password);
dispose() {
final bloc = LoginBloc();
The problem is you are registering a listener (by calling listen
) every time you call _validateInputs
. You should listen once in the initState or try out the first
property from Observable
which returns a Future.