In one of my previous questions about WeBots I asked which vehicle model is implemented. Apparently the Ackerman vehicle dynamics is used. Could anyone give me a reference that has/explain this model?
My second question is somewhat more practical. I would like to start the simulation with the vehicle having a predefined velocity. How can I do that? I do not know any field name that allows me to do it.
Can I change the maximal acceleration and minimal deceleration? Currently I am using only setCruisingSpeed to send velocity commands, even if I have to break. I believe that the time0to100 is used to calculate the maximal acceleration (which is applied uniformly), is it the same for deceleration?
The documentation about the Webots ackermann vehicle can be found here: Additionally, you can easily find information about the ackermann steering geometry on google, e.g.:
About the initial speed, the simplest solution is to make the vehicle drive at the desired speed and then save the simulation. However, this is not recommended, starting a simulation in Webots with non-zero speed can lead to physic instabilities.
About the maximum acceleration and deceleration, if you are only using cruising control (and not throttle/torque control) yes, the time0to100 is used to compute the maximum uniform acceleration/deceleration.