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WordPress call to undefined function in_category()

I have this conditional function inside the wp-content/themes/twentythirteen-child/content.php template of my Twenty Thirteen child theme to add banners above certain posts on the blog archive page.

if (in_category(get_theme_option('banner_1_category')) 
      && (! is_category(get_theme_option('banner_1_category'))))
        echo "<div id=\"banner-1\"><h3>".get_theme_option('banner_1_text')."</h3></div>";

And it's working without problems.

Now I'm moving to an Avada child theme and the corresponding template is wp-content/themes/avada-child/templates/blog-layout.php. When I put the above code within this template, I get the following error:

Fatal error: Call to undefined function in_category()

I don't quite understand how this can be "undefined" since in_category() is a core function of WordPress. I've Googled the error without many results. It seems that similar errors have been solved by adding a require_once() to the wp-load.php file.


I tried putting that ahead of my conditional and it made no difference.

Why is a core function of WordPress not working in Avada and what can I do to fix it?

I'm running the latest versions of WordPress (5.2.3) and Avada (6.0.3)


Failed to mention that the conditional function above is being injected into the templates via an include

include 'my-path/includes/banners.php';


    ↳ archive.php ('get_template_part' content-cpt.php) 
    ↳ content-cpt.php ('include' includes/banners.php)
    ↳ includes
        ↳ banners.php

(Fatal error: Call to undefined function in_category()):

    ↳ archive.php ('get_template_part' templates/blog-layout.php)
    ↳ templates
        ↳ blog-layout.php ('include' includes/banners.php)
    ↳ includes
        ↳ banners.php


  • I changed the include to a get_template_part() and it's all working again. I had to modify the file name with a slug to blog-banners.php in order to do it this way.

    get_template_part('includes/blog', 'banners');

    However, I cannot explain why the WordPress core functions within the include in Twenty Thirteen are working fine, but the same WordPress core functions within the same include within a different template are giving "undefined" errors in Avada. Both themes use a series of get_template_part() functions to end up on the template where I inserted my conditional. The only difference is that the Avada template where my include was inserted is within a subdirectory of the theme, but in Twenty Thirteen it's in the root of the theme.

    I'll accept my own answer until somebody posts a better one that explains this fatal error in detail.