I have an app where the user logs into Facebook (and thus has an Auth Token) and then sends that token to my server for authentication within the app.
If it's the users first time in the app, I need to sign them up as well (gather email and name)
Using the users FB auth token (and any server-side tokens) how do I retrieve the user's email address and name? (What endpoints do I need to hit with what tokens/body?)
Additional Info:
['public_profile', 'email']
This would be the API call to get the name and email of a user, with a User Token:
Alternatively, you can add the version:
All the existing fields for users are here to find: https://developers.facebook.com/docs/graph-api/reference/user/
You do not need the User ID, the User Token identifies the User anyway and you can just use "me" instead of the ID. The Graph API is a REST API though, not GraphQL.