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How to access a Django website from remote server in a local browser?

I've looked and tried things for hours, and nothing seems to work. Here's the info:

  • On my Windows machine, I use PuTTY or MobaXterm to connect to a remote Linux server using SSH (command line only).

  • I started a new project with this command: django-admin startproject mysite.

  • I activate a virtual environment using the source command.

  • I run the server using this command: python3 runserver

  • Let's say the output of ip a results in the following fake IP addresses:

1: inet scope host lo

2: inet brd scope global ens3

3: inet brd scope global ens4

Now what? I can't figure out how to visit the website. I've tried the various IP addresses, I've tried using PuTTY's tunneling/port forwarding capabilities, I've tried figuring out MobaXterm's tunneling/port forwarding capabilities, and I think I've tried every possible combination of IP addresses in those settings. Nothing works.

I am supposedly able to access the site using when the port forwarding works correctly, but that hasn't happened yet. I have also tried using the other IP addresses from the ip a command.


  • We finally figured it out. The problem was using a jump server. I was logging into serverA first, and then using ssh to log into serverB where the project was. We do this because we cannot access serverB without first going to serverA. (I have no idea why.)

    So the settings I used in PuTTY, Connection > SSH > Tunnels were:

    • source = 8000
    • destination =

    And then after I logged into serverA, I used the following command to log into serverB:

    $ ssh serverB -L8000:

    Then I ran the source command for the virtual environment, then the runserver command:

    $ python3 runserver

    And then I was able to access the website on my local machine via

    Now to figure this out in MobaXterm since that is my preferred SSH client...