I am new to .NET Core
and wanted to ask about Identity
I bought a book and followed all the instruction. It is very simple to set Identity
the way the book describes.
Create an Account Controller, LogIn, Logout views etc...
But when I create a new project with Visual Studio with Individual User Accounts selected.
I can't find the Account Controller folder. There is an Areas folder but almost empty. Areas\Idnetity\Pages\_ViewStart.html
I checked hidden files etc, but couldn't find Account
or Identity
The login link is like this
is working but where are the codes?
As this entry states:
In ASP.NET Core 2.1 we can now ship Razor UI in reusable class libraries. We are using this feature to provide the entire identity UI as a prebuilt package (Microsoft.AspNetCore.Identity.UI) that you can simply reference from an application.
Notice that you are asking this feature to be effective by adding .AddDefaultUI(UIFramework.Bootstrap4)
to ConfigureServices
If you still love to scaffold the Identity
as old days, use this cli
dotnet aspnet-codegenerator identity --useDefaultUI
For more information on scaffolding options visit here.