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When I attempt to match a double value from a json array it fails with the expected value having angle brackets around it. What does this mean?

Using RestAssured I attempt to check the following piece of JSON:

        "id": "abc1",
        "commonName": "Plane",
        "location": [

with the following piece of java code:

    double[] location = new double[]{1.1,1.1};
        .body("location[0]", is((location[0])));

The last assertion fails with the following error

    java.lang.AssertionError: 1 expectation failed.
    JSON path location[0] doesn't match.
    Expected: is <1.1>
      Actual: 1.1

What do the angle brackets around the expected value indicate and how can I get the assertion to succeed?


  • The default type for JSON numbers is float when using rest assured. I presume the angle brackets are indicating a type mismatch.

    The solution is to set the rest assured configuration in the given block to specify the number type.

    double[] location = new double[]{1.1,1.1};
        .body("location[0]", is(location[0]));