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Weird issue with parameter validation on usage of interface implementation

So basically I'm not sure if this is a PhpStorm issue parsing my code or if its a weird quirk of PHP and interfaces but basically I have the following interface


namespace App\Contracts;

 * Interface IFileSource
 * @package App\Contracts
interface IFileSource
    public function getFilesByPattern(string $filePattern) : array;

with the following implementation


namespace App\Sources;

use App\Contracts\IFileService;
use App\Services\File\FileService;

 * Class FileSource
 * @package App\Sources
class FileSource implements IFileSource
     * @var FileService
    private $fileService;

    public function __construct (IFileService $fileService)
        $this->fileService = $fileService;

     * @param string $filePattern
     * @return File[]
    public function getFilesByPattern (string $filePattern) : array
        $filesDetails = $this->fileService->getFilesByPattern($filePattern);
        return [];

and the usage


namespace App\Console\Commands;

use App\Contracts\IFileSource;
use App\Sources\FileSource;

class ImportXML extends Command

     * @var FileSource
    protected $fileSource;

    public function __construct (IFileSource $fileSource)
        $this->fileSource = $fileSource;

    public function handle () : void
            $filePattern = 'APATTERN';
            $files = $this->fileSource->getFilesByPattern($filePattern)

My question relates to the usage of this implementation.

So the following is a valid usage:

$filePattern = 'APATTERN';

But for some reason the following is also seen as a valid usage?

$filePattern = 'APATTERN';

Why does it not care that i am not conforming to my implementation?


  • So incase someone else stumbles across this,

    thanks to LazyOne for the help explaining what i was doing wrong

    it was due to the fact i am enforcing the implementation in the PHPdoc rather than relying on the interface to enforce the type hinting (or adding the interface as the type hint instead of the implementation), once i changed this it began complaining as expected.

    Why enforce an implementation when the point of the interface is the enforce such things.
