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Determining Similarity of Edge-Detection-Processed Images

I was hoping that I could achieve some guidance from the stackoverflow community regarding a dilemma I have run into for my senior project. First off, I want to state that I am a novice programmer, and I'm sure some of you will quickly tell me this project was way over my head. I've quickly become well aware that this is probably true.

Now that's that's out of the way, let me give some definitions:

Project Goal: The goal of the project, like many others have sought to achieve in various SO questions (many of which have been very helpful to me in the course of this effort), is to detect whether a parking space is full or available, eventually reporting such back to the user (ideally via an iPhone or Droid or other mobile app for ease of use -- this aspect was quickly deemed outside the scope of my efforts due to time constraints).

Tools in Use: I have made heavy use of the resources of the AForge.Net library, which has provided me with all of the building blocks for bringing the project together in terms of capturing video from an IP camera, applying filters to images, and ultimately completing the goal of detection. As a result, you will know that I have selected to program in C#, mainly due to ease-of-use for beginners. Other options included MATLAB/C++, C++ with OpenCV, and other alternatives.

The Problem

Here is where I have run into issues. Below is linked an image that has been pre-processed in the AForge Image Processing Lab. The sequence of filters and processes used was: Grayscale, Histogram Equalization, Sobel Edge Detection and finally Otsu Threshholding (though I'm not convinced the final step is needed).

As you can tell from the image with the naked eye of course, there are sequences of detected edges which clearly are parked cars in the spaces I am monitoring with the camera. These cars are clearly defined by the pattern of brightened wheels, the sort of "double railroad track" pattern that essentially represents the outer edging of the side windows, and even the outline of the license plate in this instance. Specifically though, in a continuation of the project the camera chosen would be a PTZ to cover as much of the block as possible, and thus I'd just like to focus on the side features of the car (eliminating factors such as license plate). Features such as a a rectangle for a sunroof may also be considered but obviously this is a not a universal feature of cars, whereas the general window outline is.

We can all see that there are differences to these patterns, varying of course with car make and model. But, generally this sequence not only results in successful retrieval of the desired features, but also eliminates the road from view (important as I intend to use road color as a "first litmus test" if you will for detecting an empty space... if I detect a gray level consistent with data for the road, especially if no edges are detected in a region, I feel I can safely assume an empty space). My question is this, and hopefully it is generic enough to be practically beneficial to others out there on the site:

Focused Question:
Is there a way to take an image segment (via cropping) and then compare the detected edge sequence with future new frames from the camera? More specifically, is there a way to do this while allowing leeway/essentially creating a tolerance threshhold for minor differences in edges?

Personal Thoughts/Brainstorming on The Question:
-- I'm sure there's a way to literally compare pixel-by-pixel -- crop to just the rectangle around your edges and then slide your cropped image through the new processed frame for comparison pixel-by-pixel, but that wouldn't help particularly unless you had an exact match to your detected edges.

All help is appreciated, and I'm more than happy to clarify as needed as well.


  • Let me give it a shot.

    You have two images. Lets call them BeforePic and AfterPic. For each of these two pictures you have a ROI (rectangle of interest) - AKA a cropped segment.

    You want to see if AfterPic.ROI is very different from BeforePic.ROI. By "very different" I mean that the difference is greater then some threshold.

    If this is indeed your problem, then it should be split into three parts:

    1. get BeforePic and AfterPic (and the ROI for each).
    2. Translate the abstract concept of picture\edge difference into a numerical one.
    3. compare the difference to some threshold.

    The first part isn't really a part of your question, so I'll ignore it. The last part is based basically finding the right threshold. Again out of the scope of the question. The second part is what I think is the heart of the question (I hope I'm not completely off here). For this I would use the algorithm ShapeContext (In the PDF, it'll be best for you to implement it up to section 3.3, as it gets too robust for your needs from 3.4 and on).

    Shape Context is a image matching algorithm using image edges with great success rates. Implementing this was my finals project, and it seems like a perfect match (no pun intended) for you. If your edges are well, and your ROI is accurate, it won't fail you.

    It may take some time to implement, but if done correctly, this will work perfectly for you. Bare in mind, that a poor implementation might run slowly and I've seen a worst case of 5 seconds per image. A good (yet not perfect) implementation, on the other hand, will take less then 0.1 seconds per image.

    Hope this helps, and good luck!

    Edit: I found an implementation of ShapeContext in C# @ CodeProject, if it's of any interest