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Inherit wrapper from abstract method

I would like to systematically wrap some overriden method of a base class.

I am using ABC for the base class. I tried to wrap the @abstractmethod, putting the annotation before or after, but it doesn’t work. As I understand it, the the whole wrapped method is overriden.

from functools import wraps
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod

def print_before(func):
    def out(*args, **kwargs):
        return func(*args, **kwargs)

    return out

class Base(ABC):
    def test(self):

class Extend(Base):
    def test(self):

Here is what happens when we test:






I guess I’m not using the right method to get such behavior. What would be a nice pythonic way to run some code before and after an overriden method?


  • As you noticed, the decorator does not change overridden methods. You could decorate the method every time you create a subclass. You can even do it automatically with the magic method __init_subclass__.

    class Base(ABC):
        def __init_subclass__(cls):
            cls.test = print_before(cls.test)

    But i would not recommend this approach. It will probably destroy the ABC mechanisms and classes that inherit from Extend are decorated twice if they don't override the method.

    Here is a much easier approach. We define a concrete "public" method on Base that calls an abstract "private" method. In the child classes we then have to implement the "private" method.

    class Base(ABC):
        def test(self):
            # do something before
            result = self._do_work()
            # do something after
            return result
        def _do_work(self):
    class Extend(Base):
        def _do_work(self):
            # your implementation here
    # use it like this:
    e = Extend()

    Another advantage is that you can change the behaviour of the "wrapper" in a child class which would be difficult with the decorator.