I am trying to fetch an element from an array in a document and only the element I don't want the entire document
I tried a different method but they all return the entire document
"_id" : ObjectId("5d70ab0c280d6b8ebb850cc1"),
"name" : "Art Studio",
"abbr" : "ARS",
"section" : [
"type" : "Undergraduate Courses",
"classes" : [
"CRN" : "193",
"Course" : "ARS100",
"Sec" : "01",
"Title" : "Drawing I",
"Cr" : "3",
"Dates" : "8/26-12/19",
"Days" : "MR",
"Time" : "1230P-0320P",
"Loc" : "SAB 226",
"Instructor" : "Schuck",
"Attributes" : "",
"Avail" : "F"
"CRN" : "293",
"Course" : "ARS100",
"Sec" : "02",
"Title" : "Drawing I",
"Cr" : "3",
"Dates" : "8/26-12/19",
"Days" : "MR",
"Time" : "0330P-0620P",
"Loc" : "SAB 226",
"Instructor" : "Itty",
"Attributes" : "",
"Avail" : "F"
I am trying to get this or something similar when searching for a set of CRN values
[ {
"CRN" : "193",
"Course" : "ARS100",
"Sec" : "01",
"Title" : "Drawing I",
"Cr" : "3",
"Dates" : "8/26-12/19",
"Instructor" : "Schuck",
"Attributes" : "",
"Avail" : "F"
Try using the aggregate pipeline to project double nested array as:
"_id": ObjectId("5d70ab0c280d6b8ebb850cc1"),
"name": "Art Studio",
"abbr": "ARS",
"section": [
"type": "Undergraduate Courses",
"classes": [
"CRN": "193",
"Course": "ARS100",
"Sec": "01",
"Title": "Drawing I",
"Cr": "3",
"Dates": "8/26-12/19",
"Days": "MR",
"Time": "1230P-0320P",
"Loc": "SAB 226",
"Instructor": "Schuck",
"Attributes": "",
"Avail": "F"
"CRN": "293",
"Course": "ARS100",
"Sec": "02",
"Title": "Drawing I",
"Cr": "3",
"Dates": "8/26-12/19",
"Days": "MR",
"Time": "0330P-0620P",
"Loc": "SAB 226",
"Instructor": "Itty",
"Attributes": "",
"Avail": "F"
Query: hereafter unwinding section you can filter classes for CRN
$unwind: "$section"
$project: {
name: 1,
abbr: 1,
"section.type": 1,
"section.classes": {
$filter: {
input: "$section.classes",
as: "item",
cond: {
$eq: [
$group: {
_id: "$_id",
section: {
$push: "$section"
Output: you can manage your keys as you want in project for adding new keys or replacing them.
"_id": ObjectId("5d70ab0c280d6b8ebb850cc1"),
"section": [
"classes": [
"Attributes": "",
"Avail": "F",
"CRN": "193",
"Course": "ARS100",
"Cr": "3",
"Dates": "8/26-12/19",
"Days": "MR",
"Instructor": "Schuck",
"Loc": "SAB 226",
"Sec": "01",
"Time": "1230P-0320P",
"Title": "Drawing I"
"type": "Undergraduate Courses"